
Welcome Message

Hello, from DCI

Our Vision

Discover the “Real You”.

Our Goals:

Equip and empower our clients to discover their ‘True Self’.

Educate our clients on how to maximise their Talents & Potentials.

Empower our clients on their strengths and to be aware of their weaknesses.

Help our clients gain financial freedom through the journey of self-discovery.

Help our clients be the ‘best version’ of themselves.

Our Values 

  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Relationship
  • Gratitude
  • Generosity

My Personal Beliefs

  • There is no victim only victors.
  • I am not a victim, I am a victor
  • My focus is on – loving, living & sharing
  • We are created to laugh, live and love.
  • I believe life is full of sowing & reaping.
  • I believe where there is a will, there is a way.
  • I believe life is meant to be enjoyed not endured.
  • I believe I am a voice.
  • Life is a learning curve.
  • What you appreciate, appreciates in value
  • What you depreciates, depreciates in value
  • I believe achievement is not equal to achievement.
  • I believe in giving and growing.
  • There is no failure only feedback
  • Believe leaders are readers (-Allison Agbasale)

6 Reasons Why Our Clients Choose Us

  1. Customers First: We put our clients first before profit, and ensure that our customers are very satisfied with our service.
  1. Affordable Fees: Our fees are reasonable, affordable and value for money.
  1. Confidentiality: Keeping patient’s privacy confidential is one of our utmost priority.
  1. Relationship: We build therapeutic and long-lasting relationships with our clients
  1. Fun & Friendly: We create a fun and friendly environment for our customers.
  2.  Cultural Diversity: We respect our clients culture and embrace cultural diversity.

About my life

Esther Samuels is a qualified trainer, coach, mentor, and motivational speaker. She had trained over 300 people in various organisations.

She believes that there is a “raw gold” in every human being, but can only be discovered through hard work, education, training, coaching and mentoring. Likewise, her passion is to inspire, motivate & encourage people to discover their true purpose on Earth, both in their personal life and in their marital relationship.

Also, she is passionate about helping couples and singles in building a successful relationship. By helping them to discover their hidden talents and to maximise their potentials. She is married with 3 lovely children. She is the founder of Discovery Coaching Institute and lives in Melbourne, Australia.

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